V piatok 3.9.2010 sme spolu s Robom OM1LD skúšali nový koncept optického vysielača. Tentokrát to bola výkonná LED namiesto osvedčeného lasera. Optická sústava nebola ideálna, ale aj napriek tomu sa nám podarilo dosvietiť z Veľkej Javoriny do Šamorína - 94km, čím sme potvrdili náš rekord aj s nekoherentným zdrojom červeného svetla.
V piatok večer bola dohľadnosť odhadom 50km a po úvodnom dosmerovávaní bol signál z LED jednoznačne identifikovaný. Bohužiaľ zasa raz zaúradoval Mr. Murphy a audiozáznam sa nepodarilo spraviť.
Testy budú pokračovať...
We (Robo OM1LD and I) tested the prototype of the Optical transmitter with LED. The test was only one way TX on the hill and RX 94km far apart. The path was similar with our last one.
TX - Velka Javorina, 965m ASL, Loc JN88UU
- LED Luminus SST90 drived at 5 Amps DC
- 50% Duty cycle from NE555 (near one that I have in Test LED TX - optical arrangement was LED - Shallow mirror, Condenser Lens (short FL), Cheap fresnel lens
- divergence about 100mRad (2m spot diameter in 20m)
- it is only prototype, so there fore it has open design, and it is quality wood concept ;-)
RX - Near Samorin, Loc JN88QA
We tried to compare the prototype Fresnel LED TX with Test Led TX and Halogen beacon. The visibility was only 50km. Therefore the Test LED TX was not seen in Samorin. Fresnel LED TX was seen weakly, but without problems. The halogen beacon was weaker than Fresnel LED TX. Unfortunately, Mr. Murphy was with us again - we do not have any audio recorded because the MP3 recorder did not work.
The prototype confirmed that this is the way. So we ordered the better fresnels from Anchor Optics ;-)
More developing and more tests will come.
Robo OM1LD and Rado OM2ZZ